2016.02.20 07:25V-day👩👧👵🙅🔫🆖Today is V-day!For those of you who doesn't know what V-day is,it's a day where people remind their selves to not be "Violence Against Women and Girls."Today at my school in bali we all were pink and ...
2016.02.08 05:03Coco❤️So,as you know that i have a brand in Bali called Coco.....We made a official website!!!Hope you guys like it🌟
2016.01.22 10:24Chemistry📖🌹🔬Today was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!Well,for my physical Electives I take fragrant making and today we actually put the things together from the science lab and did some serious science🔬We learned how...